


Grape: Falanghina
Origin: Sannio Beneventano – Campania Ignimbrite areal
Hectares: 10
Altitude: 120 – 300 metres ASL
Vine Trainig System: Guyot
Planting Density: 4.000 vines per hectare
Average Age Of Vines: 15 years
Harvest Time: Late September and early October
Vinification Technique: Cryomaceration without oxygen at a temperature of
8-10°C for 1 to 12 hours depending on the character- istics of the grapes and the vintage. Followed by soft pressing.
Fermentation: Entirely carried out in steel at 12-15°C for about 20 days
Malolactic Ferm. : None
Ageing: In bottle
Bottling: April of the year following harvest

Straw yellow colour with green reflections. The nose expresses hints of broom and linden complemented by citrus nuances. On the palate, the citrus scent returns and enhances a sapid and very persistent aftertaste.

Goes well with an entire meal of fish or vegetable dishes. Sublime with buffalo mozzarella from Campania and soft cheeses.

The wines of the Anima Lavica line are produced from vineyards cultivated on the outcrops of volcanic rocks that arrived in the Apennines from afar: this is the grey tuff that burst from the Phlegraean volcanoes more than thirty thousand years ago, in the tremendous Cam- pania Ignimbrite eruption. The fiery clouds ascended the valleys for a hundred kilometres, settling among the gentle hills of the Calore Valley. There is a surprising presence in the Telesina Valley of a terroir that is completely volcanic, made up of plateaus and suspended basins, with sandy, glassy soils that crackle when you step on them, with a characteristic dark grey colour, friable and easy to work, extremely permeable, in a temperate environmental context, clear- ly very different from that of the coastal volcanoes of origin, characterised by the contrasts of the Mediterra- nean climate. The mineralogical composition of these soils gives them particular nutritional qualities in a unique interaction with the vine. The result is that the wines are an absolute surprise to the senses, a distilla- tion of flavour and freshness. The complexity that this unique terroir provides is clearly reflected in the min- erality of the wines and their elegant bouquet.